Best Familiars in Lords Mobile - Marks Angry Review (2024)

It’s going to be really hard to determine which Familiars in Lords Mobile are actually the best. Everyone is looking for something different. Some people want to focus on war while others are going to focus on other things… My list is going to try and track the Familiars that I believe are universally awesome.

Do you disagree with my Familiar list? No? Good. Begin a rant in the comments below!

Please note that I have a guide on which Familiar buildings to get. My recommendation is to only get 2 gyms and to work on two Familiars at a time. There! Now you know!

Also, do you need a Gaming Chair? GOOD!

Please Note:I finished the Familiar Awakening War Talents Guide. If you are looking to understand more about the war talent skills for the Familiars click that link! Read it!

Top 12 Familiars in Lords Mobile

Trying to list the best familiars is a ridiculous task. It will really depend on what you want to do with your castle. And how high you are… But here is my list of the best Familiars (from Pact 1-4) that are “generally” the best for all castles. This list is in order of greatest first!

  1. Hoarder (Jewels and Trove) – Pact 4
  2. Goblin (A lot of gold) – Pact 3
  3. Gemming Gremlin (A lot of gems) – Pact 3
  4. Trickstar (Holy Stars) – Pact 3
  5. Bonehead (Colosseum) – Pact 2B
  6. Hell Drider (Free T4 troops) – Pact 4
  7. Saberfang (Monster Hunting) – Pact 4
  8. Pyris (Familiar Attack) – Pact 2B
  9. Tempestite (Free T1 Troops) – Pact 2A
  10. Totempest (Cargo ship) – Pact 2A
  11. Aquiris (STA Bravehearts) – Pact 1B
  12. Territe (Fragments) – Pact 1A

I’ve also adjusted the list to determine the greatest based on the effort level. Otherwise, the list would just start off with all the Pact 4 Familiars…

Familiars in Lords Mobile

This is an evolving article. More Familiars are joining the list next week. So far I’m in the middle of breaking down the Familiars in Pact 2A.

  • Pact 1A Familiars
  • Pact 1B Familiars
  • Pact 2A Familiars
  • Pact 2B Familiars
  • Pact 3 Familiars
  • Pact 4 Familiars
  • Pact 5 Familiars

Pro Tip: My general advice when it comes to familiars is to get to Pact 3 as soon as possible. Research like crazy and then focus on Pact 3. While you’re waiting, you may as well focus on the right pacts in Pact 1 and Pact 2.

Pact 1A Familiars

Pact 1A is almost a complete waste of time. The Territe is fantastic and everything is just pretty much garbage! Keep reading to find out how bad it is…

  • Territe– 8/10
  • Oakroot– 2/10
  • Magmalord – 2/10
  • Engineer– 2.5/10
  • Jaziek – 1/10


I rank the Territe as 8/10.

Best Familiars in Lords Mobile - Marks Angry Review (1)

The Territe looks like a transformer that was constructed from pieces of the road from Mario Kart. It may look like a weird looking thing, but it sure carries great rewards.The Territe is the only Familiar that I would recommend focusing on from Pact 1A. The rest are eghh…

I strongly recommend bringing this Familiar to a Level 60 Elder. The 20% merging skill boost is a no-brainer. It will help with all the rest of the Familiar work that you’ll want to do.


  • Ground Breaker: At Level 10 the Territe can increase merging speeds by 20%
  • Nether Quake: At Level 10 the Territe can generate between 5 and 30 Fragments every 24-hours. This is activated by pressing the “Familiar Button” at the right of the screen.

The sooner you max out this familiar, the better. This familiar’s skill will help you greatly with the rest of the Familiars. I know some people will say that the Territe is a waste of time and is not even near as good as the pact 3-4 Familiars. They are right! But, for a Pact 1A, and for the price of a Pact 1A, the Territe is straight-up awesome!


I rank the Oakroot as 2/10.

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The Oakroot looks like an old man at the end of a very long day! He’s trying to get home quickly, but his shoulders are hurting too much. It’s a little depressing.

The graphics are also depressing. I think this was designed by someone with less than 2 days of experience in CAD.


  • Lumberjack: At Level 10 the Oakroot can boost Timber Production by 25%

If you are farming or focusing on wood, I’d recommend focusing on the Oakroot Familiar. Otherwise, don’t bother.


Best Familiars in Lords Mobile - Marks Angry Review (3)

I rank the Magmalord at 2/10.

I’ve been staring at the Magmalord for too long. I still can’t work out where the mouth is. It’s really bothering me. I need to know how he eats. Does he insert his morning cereal into his eyes? I think about these things. I really need to know the answer! If you have seen a real Magmalord (and if you saw him while he was eating), please let me know!

The Mamalord is a waste of time unless youhyper-farm stone. I do. And so I maxed him up really early. If you don’t, don’t get him. He’s a waste of time!


  • Rolling Stones:At Level 10 the Magmalord can boost Stone Production by 25%

Rolling Stones? Really? Come-on!


I rank the engineer at 2.5/10.

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Yes. Gimli from Lords of the Rings has finally arrived at Lords Mobile. He’s wearing glasses, but I guess wearing a helmet gets tiring after a while.

Like all the recourse Familiars, the Engineer is a waste of time unless you want to focus your production on ore. I gave the score a little higher just because ore is worth a little more than food, stone or wood. But in truth, he’s equally useless.


  • Ore Prospector:At Level 10 the Engineer can boost Ore Production by 25%


I rank the engineer at 1/10.

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I don’t know what this thing is! Seriously, someone needs to tell this to stop doing whatever it is doing. Please stop?! And also, why does it have pointy shoes? That’s what bothers me the most! What is even underneath those shoes? A pointy foot? AHHHHH! This is scary!

The Jaziek is kinda useless.


  • Vault Keeper: At Level 10 the Jaziek gives a 10% boost to the Vault Storage.

Bleh. Not really very exciting. Let’s keep moving on…

Pact 1B Familiars

The Familiars in Pact 1B, like 1A, are primarily useless. The Aquiris is incredible. The rest are as helpful as a fish that can write.

  • Aquiris– 8.5/10
  • Terraspike– 0/10
  • Gnome – 5/10
  • Beastmaster– 2/10
  • Yeti– 1.5/10


I rank the Aquiris as a 8.5/10.

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If the Aquiris was part of the graphics of the original Doom I would have still been disappointed. To see such bad graphics on Lords Mobile is a bit of a disappointment… I mean, look at those hands. The animator was smoking something really strong!

The Aquiris’s skill, however, makes up for the lazy animations and artistry. He’s good. He’s really good!


  • Overflow: At level 10, the Aquiris produces a 40% Anima Production boost. That is nothing to frown at.
  • Refreshed: You can get between 60 – 120 STA every 12 hours by pushing the “Familiar Button”.

The second skill of the Aquiris is awesome. In fact, this one skill (combined with the fact that Aquiris is much cheaper than pact 3 and pact 4) may make it one of the best Familiars. This advantage will enable you to get a lot more STA’s, which will let you power up your heroes.

The Aquiris is the only familiar that I would truly consider getting from Pact 1B. The Gnome (which gives a gold boost) is a good idea once you’ve got the rest of the Familiars on my list.


I rank the Terraspike -3/10.

Yes, that’s not a typo. I’ve actually given him minus points for being so useless!

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Even his name is stupid. I wish I had a club so that I could chase it around the yard. His skill is called “Fertilizer”. Enough said.


  • Fertilizer: At level 10, he gives a 25% Food Production boost
  • Being stupid

If you don’t have any soldiers and you hate playing the game properly, the Terraspike is the ultimate Familiar. Otherwise, get a life a leave him alone!


I rank the Gnome as a 5/10.

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His graphics are not dreadful. He looks like a Gnome and he moves around in a non-drunkard way. That’s a lot more than what can be said about some of the other Familiars.

Everyone needs gold, but I wouldn’t get him first unless you have a serious gold shortage. I would focus on the other Familiars that are more important. Keep improving the Gnome as you get more time or during Guild Fest when you need to make lots of low-level Familiars…


  • Financial Advice: At Level 10, the Gnome will generate a 25% Gold Production boost.

The gnome is good! He’s just not near as good as the other good Familiars out there…


I rank this Familiar as 2/10.

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The Beastmaster is literally the same graphics as Engineer. They changed a few minor details and then gave him a different name. He looks like Gimli with a little more age to him.

His skill is like the type of skill a toddler brings to a talent show. It’s something like, “I can draw my name with ink on my nose” or “I can stack Lego blocks while using slices of bread as gloves”.


  • Trade Route: At Level 10, the Beastmaster can enable the Supply Troops to Travel 25% faster.

With a name like Beastmaster, you’d expect him to add an army boost of 50% of something. Just saying!


I rank the Yeti as 1.5/10

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Did anyone even research what a Yeti is before naming this weirdhunching soldier? A Yeti, a big furry white creature that roams the forests. Does this person look like that? No! Why do I feel that most of this article is me ranting against the graphics and names of the Familiars…

The Yeti is as useless as he looks.


  • Go Wild: At Level 10, the Yeri boost the Gathering Troops Travel Speed by 25%.

And thankfully we have now finished off with Pact 1A and 1B. Good riddance!

Pact 2A Familiars in Lords Mobile

The Pact 2A selection finally has something that is worth looking at. Not everything is amazing, but at least it is not puke-worthy.

The other advantage of Pact 2A are the Fragments. Instead of 1 fragment being generated in each pact, you can either get 2, 3, or 4 in each pact. It adds up!

  • Tempestite
  • Evil Weevil
  • Totempest
  • Strix
  • Sorcerer


I rank the Tempestite as 6/10. He (or she) is good! Not incredible, but good!

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The Tempestite also has lazy graphics. It basically looks like Aquiris but it has a face and a little more gray swirls on its body… I guess its supposed to be the wind? It’s confusing, I guess.

This familiar comes with 3 skills, and is, in fact, the only Pact 2A familiar that has 3 skills.

I would strongly recommend focusing on the Tempestite. His 3rd skill is awesome! You can build a serious army of lower-level troops!


  • Aero Guard: At Level 10, you will get a Wall DEF of 20%. Bleh.
  • Second Wind: At Level 10, he has an Energy Regain Speed of 10%. That’s a nice bonus!
  • Fresh Air: At Level 10, The Tempestite will generate 20,000 random Tier 1 soldier every 3 days. That’s awesome!

Evil Weevil

I rank the Evil Weevil as a 2/10.

Best Familiars in Lords Mobile - Marks Angry Review (12)

The Evil Weevil looks like he really doesn’t want to be in this game. I don’t blame him. If looked like that, I’d also be bored with my life.

Do you remember how I said that Level 2 Familiars are great? Well, I most certainly didn’t mean all of them. Some are mediocre. Some are even worse! The Evil Weevil isn’t bad, per se, it’s just isn’t very good!


  • Food Hoarder: At Level 10, the Evil Weevil can produce a Food Production boost of 35%. Bleh!
  • Gather Round: At Level. the Evil Weevil will enable you to generate 4-hours worth of resources every 24-hours. It is important to note that this boost will generate based on your recourse production stats. If you have lots of stone buildings, you will get a lot more stone when you click the Familiar Button.


I rank this Familiar as 5/10. The first skill is dreadful, but the second one is pretty good!

Best Familiars in Lords Mobile - Marks Angry Review (13)

This thing is straight-up weird and creepy. The Totempest is truly a pest!


  • Timber Hoarder: At Level 10, this Familiar will increase Timber Production by 35%
  • Ship Ahoy: At Level 10, this Familiar will enable you to refresh the Cargo Ship every 24-hours.


I rank the Strix as a 6/10.

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Strix, the familiar who lost all her clothes and apparently has no form of shame. Go figure. I’ve never understood why the graphic artists have to be so obvious. Seriously. Get a room! It is a little much. I’m trying to play a game over here.

Both of Strix’s skills are great. Not the best, but definitely fantastic. I wouldn’t max her up first, but I most certainly will focus on her before I go for any of the recourse boost skill familiars.


  • Blood Bag: At Level 10, the Strix will boost the Infirmary Healing Speed by 25%. If you are a war player, this will help a lot!
  • Quick Fix: At Level 10, the Strix will Reduce Execution wait time by 6 hours!

The first skill is an infirmary boost. For those who play the game properly, healing troops is one of the most infuriating tasks. Strix’s skills really help.Have you ever filled your jail, but waited forever to finally be able to kill your prisoners. Strix will chop a nice chunk of execution time when she is maxed to level 60.


I rank the Sorcerer as 4/10. He has a nifty transmutation skill, but it’s not near as cool as the other Familiar’s skills.

Best Familiars in Lords Mobile - Marks Angry Review (15)

The Sorcerer looks like he’s sleeping. Even when he’s powering up in the animation, his eyes are still closed. Seriously. Either wake up or go play another game. Just saying. Also, he has no feet. That’s weird. Please, Sir, put your feet back on.


  • Speed Force: At Level 10, the Sorcerer increases travel speed by 25%
  • Dark Magic: At Level 10, you can instantly complete an ongoing transmutation every 24-hours.

This Dark Magic skill is quite useful.

Pact 2B Familiars in Lords Mobile

Pact 2B has some serious Familiars. Think of how important breakfast is! Are you thinking about it? Well, triple that importance level! That is how serious the Pact 2B is.

  • Pyris
  • Bouldur
  • Krabby
  • Bonehead
  • Harpy


I rank the Pyris as 4/10.

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I know that the Pyris is supposed to be on fire (or magma) but I’m just not buying it. It looks as eloquent as a 3-year old’s peanut butter sandwich. The graphics are worse than a Blaze from Minecraft.

This Familiar has 3 skills. The first 2 aren’t anything special, but the 3rd skill is awesome and requires skillstones!


  • Friendly Fires: At Level 10, the Pyris will give 20% boost of Extra Supplies
  • Melting Pot: At Level 10, the Pryis will reduce transmutation time by 10%. Whatever.
  • Blazing Trail: (Requires Skillstones) At Level 10, you will be able to kill 7,500 – 12,500 enemy troops every 30-minutes


I rank the Bouldur as 7/10 for beginner players but 2/10 for advanced players. The Construction Skill is incredible if you’re building up the buildings, but useless if you’re buildings are basically all finished!

Best Familiars in Lords Mobile - Marks Angry Review (17)

Enter the Bouldur. The character who clearly came from the Star Wars Galaxy and couldn’t find his way back home. They called and want him back. We also want him gone. Not sure what he’s still doing here? Also, not sure why he’s inside a castle? It’s all a little disorienting. My running theory is that the bricks in the building are actually bricks of cocaine! We are seeing him the way that he imagines himself! (Mind Blown)


  • Stone hoarder: At full strength, the Bouldur will boost a Stone Production of 35%
  • Overtime: When at Level 10, the Bouldur will enable you to press the “Familiar Button” and instantly complete all the “Helps” in the Construction Help Bar. This is incredible if you want to finish a lot of buildings in one shot!


I rank this Familiar as a 2/10 for advanced players, but a 4/10 for beginner players.

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The Krabby looks like a crab. Hence the name Krabby. I would expect this from Sesame Street. Whatever. He’s a strong crab because he’s carrying a package (made of ore) that’s double his size. Apparently, he likes to dance.


  • Ore Hoarder: At full growth, the Krabby that boost Ore Production by 35%.
  • Rocky Resolve: At level 10, the Krabby will boost Player EXP (experience) by 10%.

The Rocky Resolve is nice for beginner players who are still trying to hit maximum Player EXP. Advanced players, however, have no need for this boost at all.


I rank the Bonehead Familiar as a 7.5/10. He’s really good, especially for advanced colosseum players!

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I know that the Bonehead has a dent in his head, I still think that the sword is more efficient when carried at waist level. Imagine that someone wanted to attack him. It would take an extra 1-2 seconds for him to reach up and grab the sword from his skull. I’m very disappointed with Bonehead’s life choice. Just saying.

In regards to his skills… He’s one awesome hero!


  • Animated: At full strength, Bonehead will store 20% more anima. This is really helpful as you start to unlocked larger Familiars!
  • Ready to Rumble: When maxed to Level 10, Bonehead will give you 10 bonus colosseum entries every 24-hours.

The Ready to Rumble skill is straight-up awesome! Consider this your golden-ticket to owning the Colosseum. I would strongly recommend maxing this hero as soon as possible!


I rank the Harpy as a 6.5/10. She’s a fantastic hero, especially for lower might players (under 200m) who use the shelter all the time!

Best Familiars in Lords Mobile - Marks Angry Review (20)

The Harpy has a lot of confidence. I’ll grant her that. Clothes? Not so much… Like the Strix, she doesn’t have much decency.

When it comes to skills, she is a solid Familiar with very practical and needed bonuses.


  • Cloud Cover: At full strength, the Harpy will add another 50,000 spots to the shelter. This is very useful for those who are constantly protecting their troops from the big-bully players. To learn more about shielding your troops, click here.
  • First Class: At full strength, the Harpy will grand 3 random VIP points boxes every 24-hours. This is also a fantastic asset. It can really add up. The higher the VIP level, the more powerful your castle will end up becoming.

Pact 3 Familiars

Pact 3 is where the Familiars get really serious. Until now, the Familiars, for the most part, have cute skills. In Pact 3 and on, the Familiars are powerful! Some of the Familiar Skills can be used as warfare.

  • Gryphon
  • Noceros
  • Gemming Gremlin
  • Goblin
  • Trickstar
  • Magus
  • Mole Shaman


I rank the Gryphon as 7.8/10. It is a great Familiar but there are other Pact 3 Familiars that are far better!

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Those who have been hiding under a rock will not recognize this monster. Everyone else will recognize the Gryphon as one of the weirdly contrived Monsters sprinkled around the Kingdom. Yes, it’s a lion and eagle… Not original, but at least not terrible!


  • Air Support: At Elder Level, the Gryphon will increase the Max Allied Army Size by 50,000. This is a massive skill!
  • Quick Learner: At max level, the Gryphon will advance the troop training by 5%. That doesn’t sound like much, but it is quite good!
  • Homeward Bind: When totally maxed, the Gryphon will recall all troops back to the castle within 6 seconds. This is an incredible skill to have during war. You will need to use Skillstones to activate!

All in all, the Gryphon is a solid Familiar! If you were looking for advice on how to beat the Gryphon Monster Hunt, click here.


I rank the Noceros as 8.2/10. This Familiar is powerful!

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IGG’s laziness in reusing yet another monster can be forgiven when you understand how awesome this familiar is. My theory is that the monster got drunk and gave away too much. Look at its eyes, it’s definitely drunk!


  • Beast of Burden: At full strength, the Noceros offers an additional 35% army capacity!
  • Thundering Blitz: Boosts Cavalry ATK by 10% (Awesome)
  • In a Flash: At full strength, the Noceros will automatically finish 5 gathering troops recourse collecting on the spot every 24 hours. This is an incredible skill!

Click here if you wanted more information on how to beat the Noceros Monster Hunt.

Gemming Gremlin

I rank the Gemming Gremlin as 8.7/10. This is the third best Pact 3 Familiar without a doubt!

Best Familiars in Lords Mobile - Marks Angry Review (23)

You’ve seen this weird guy in the Labyrinth and he’s annoyed you beyond belief. Now is his time to finally help you out (without tempting you to potential win 1,000,000 gems)!

The first two skills are nice, but not great. The third skill is wonderful!


  • Busy hands: Boosts Construction by 5%. Not bad, not great…
  • Loded Up: Boost Gem Gathering speed by 10%. Nice, but not amazing…
  • Stroke of Fortune: Generates 1,000 – 2,000 gems every 2 days. Really, really amazing!


I rank the Goblin as 9.5/10. This Familiar is a gangster! If you are an advanced player and go through Gold like beer at a frat party, you will love this Familiar.

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The Goblin looks like a Goblin and so no problems there. The graphics aren’t dreadful. Yay IGG.


  • Harvest Frenzy: Increases Gathering Speed by 25%. Really good!
  • Gold Hoarder: Increase Gold Production by 35%. Awesome!
  • Gold Digger: Generate 6,000,000 – 12,000,000 gold every 24-hours! Insane!

This is my favorite Familiar in Pact 3! Note all the exclamation marks!!


I rank the Trickstaras a 6.5/10.

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There are so many disturbing things about the Trickstar. I’m not sure where to start. The belt, arrow, redness, and the eyes are all equally distressing.

My opinions on the Labyrinth are strong. You can read it on my Labyrinth article. Even though I don’t recommend investing in the Labyrinth to win the jackpot, I do think that playing is still a great decision. The Trickstar is, therefore, an awesome Familiar.


  • Stellar Intellect: Research Speed boost of 5%. Nice, but not amazing
  • Astal Assistance: Ranged ATK of 10%. Great!
  • Lucky Star: Grants 3 random Holy Stars Items every 2-days. Awesome!

All in all, the Trickstar is really good but I wouldn’t focus on him until you finish off the better Familiars!


The Magus is a solid Familiar and I rank it 8.5/10.

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If imitation is a form of flattery, the Sorcerer should be thrilled. This Magus character is basically identical bar a few details… Either there is a terrific backstory or lazy graphic artists. Do you want to give a guess?


  • Mystic Bonds: At full strength, the Magus will add another 5 pacts to the Spire. Awesome Skill!
  • Sacrificial Offering: At full strength, the Magus will add 6 hours to the Altar Duration. Nice!
  • Dark Assistance: Fulls up the Help Bar for research. This is a fantastic skill if you need to finish a Research for Hell Events and Guild Fest!

Mole Shaman

I rank the Mole Shaman as a 7/10. Fantastic Familiar!

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Yes, these are those pesky monsters that drive you crazy in the hero challenges. They self-heal just as you are about to kill them! The good news is that they are now on your side!


  • Natural Remedy: At full strength, the Mole Shaman provides an increased Infirmary capacity of 5%
  • Nutty Power: Infantry Attack of 10%
  • Rapid Repair: This skill adds a “Familiar Button” that will automatically give your wall a 50% power boost

Pact 4 Familiars in Lords Mobile

I’ve probably gotten 100 emails begging me to add Pact 4 to this list. You could have asked me to bring world peace. You guys blew a great opportunity! Oh well… Here we go.

Also, good news. All the Pact 4 familiars are great. If you manage to unlock them, you won’t be disappointed. The first two skills are usually nothing special but the Level 10 skills are incredible!

  • Mecha Trojan
  • Grim Reaper
  • Tidal Titan
  • Hell Drider
  • Mega Maggot
  • Saberfang
  • Snow Beast
  • Hoarder

Mecha Trojan

Best Familiars in Lords Mobile - Marks Angry Review (28)

The Mecha Trojan is an INCREDIBLE familiar for Rally Leads. Once you manage to fully max him/her out you will be able to increase the Coalition Army by 125,000 troops. The other two skills are a waste of time.


  • Mighty Stallion: At full power, it will give you Calavlry Max HP boost of 10%. Not bad but not good.
  • Bet on It: At full power (and during Battle Fury) you will get 10% extra Army Defense. That’s as lame as using Trickster as your main hero. No thank you.
  • Trojan Horse: At Level 10 you will be able to add another 125,000 troops to rally! This is incredible!

The Mecha Trojan doesn’t have Army Talents yet!

Grim Reaper

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The Grim Reaper is awesome. Her best skill requires skillstones but is one of the most dangerous attacks in Lords Mobile. This skill enables you to hurt the big players without losing troops! This a game-changer! The Grim Reaper is without a doubt one of the best Familiars in Lords Mobile!


  • Swift Soul: Add the travel speed by 10%. I always love stuff that can speed up stuff. Fantastic skill.
  • Soul Contract: At LV 10, boosts Ranged HP by 10%
  • Kiss of Death: At full strength, she will kill 20,000 – 50,000 in enemy barracks of highest Tier soldiers T4! Won’t kill more than 5%.

The Grim Reaper doesn’t yet have an Army Talent.

Tidal Titan

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The Skuillstone Tidal Titan attack is cool, but it is so super-niche that most people won’t really appreciate it. To tell the truth – I do that every once-in-a-while – I’ve never used this skill.

He’s not my favorite hero…


  • Fountain of Youth: At full power, he will give you an Infantry HP boost of 10%
  • Water Wall: Army DEF by 10%. Bleh.
  • High Tide: It gives you the power to relocate an enemy castle after successfully attacking it. At full power it will be effective for 15mins. This is great if you want to make a hole an enemy hive.

The Tidal Titan doesn’t yet have Army Talents yet!

Hell Drider

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The Hell Drider has a fantastic main skill. He takes a really long time to upgrade. I’m not sure why. But that’s the way it is!


  • Hellish Spirit: Infantry HP boost of 10%. Whatever.
  • Prison Break: At full power, your leader will escape 10% quicker. Not bad, but not a headline…
  • Convocation: At Level 10, you will get 15,000 T4 troops (or highest available troops) every 3 days! This is fantastic. For your average player, this will double there average troop training.

There are no Army Talents for the Hell Drider yet.

Mega Maggot

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The Mega Maggot has two great skills. The Barrack capacity is fantastic and the Skillstone attack is fantastic if you want to hurt the small players!


  • Motivation: Add 5000 troops to Barrack capacity! Fantastic skill. This is important because at this stage of the game most players will want to remove all their Barracks aside for 1.
  • Tough Carapace: Infantry boost for DEF 10%. Yuk
  • Contaminate: Reduces resource production by 95% for 6 hours. This will really hurt beginner players. If they are annoying you and also hiding under a shield or protected (or don’t have any troops), this familiar attack will really bother them!

The Mega Maggot has an Army Talent called Vermiphobia. Click here to learn more about its skill.


Best Familiars in Lords Mobile - Marks Angry Review (33)

I like the Saberfang Familiar. He’s loaded with 3 great skills. His Monster Hunting Speed Skill and Loaded Attack are beyond incredible!


  • Swift Predator: At full level strength, this skill will give you a 25% Monster Hunting Travel Speed boost. That’s a really big boost! This is like being able to add another accessory on your hunting gear.
  • Wild Spirit: Cavalry 10% DEF. Urgh
  • Hunting Ground. At level 10 you will be able to add 15 hunts in a row once in 15mins every single day. This skill is a massive deal for everyone. Unless you are a selfish pig and refuse to monster hunt for your guild…

The Saberfang has a fantastic Army Talent. Click here to learn more about the Familiar Awakening of the Saberfang.

Snow Beast

Best Familiars in Lords Mobile - Marks Angry Review (34)

The Snow Beast is probably – according to me – the worst Pact 4 familiar. I mean, it is still pretty cool, but compared to the other Pact 4 Familiars, he’s kind of a joke!


  • Pound the Ground: Darknest Army speed is boosted by 25%. This is good I guess…
  • Frost Shield: Ranged DEF 10% boost. I’m vomiting as I type.
  • Seasoned Courier: Increases supply capacity by 300% for 1 hour. This skill would be wonderful for beginner players, but by the time you unlock Pact 4, you shouldn’t need this at all!!!

Hoarder Familiars in Lords Mobile

Best Familiars in Lords Mobile - Marks Angry Review (35)

This familiar is by far the best Familiar in Pact 4! Yes, you heard it here. All three skills are incredible! Obviously it will take a while to max, but even at weast power, this familiar is incredible!

  • Trove Expansion: At level 10 this skill will enable you to deposit 10,000 more gems into the Trove. This skill alone should give you an extra 10,000 gems per month.
  • Skillful Hands: Increased merging speed for Skillstones by 20%!
  • Pay Day: 3 random jewels every 3 days! This is incredible! Jewels are so so important. This skill will give you free jewels! That is massive!

Pact 5 Familiars in Lords Mobile

The way to obtain these familiars is by purchasing their paid packs. Alternatively, you can sometimes get it from Kingdom Tycoon. Some are from events.

Cut to dynamic footage of the Pact 5 Familiars in action, showcasing their unique abilities and breathtaking designs.

  • Huey Hops
  • Bon Appeti
  • Gargantua
  • Frostwing
  • Queen Bee
  • Blackwing
  • Jade Wyrm

Huey Hops

Best Familiars in Lords Mobile - Marks Angry Review (36)


  • Shell Shield: Ranged DEF + 4% and 20% when reached max level.
  • Buck Up: Army Max HP + 3% and 10% when reached max level
  • Rascally Rabbit: When you activate this Skill, your Leader can escape from being captured in battle once within the next 30 minutes. However, if you activate the Skill after your Leader is already captured, it won’t have any effect.
  • Brutal Bunny: This ability can deal 37.5% to 150% damage every 4 seconds depending on its level, from 2 to 5 times, to one of the biggest enemy squads. The amount of damage is determined by your initial Infantry ATK. It activates when 8% of your troops have been lost.

Bon Appeti

Best Familiars in Lords Mobile - Marks Angry Review (37)


  • Guardian Angel: Boost Infantry ATK + 2% and 10% on max level.
  • Radiant Aura: Coalition Army ATK + 3% and 10% on max level.
  • Divine Retribution: It can destroy 7% to 15% of all resources in an enemy’s Turf, with a maximum limit of 100,000,000 for each resource.
  • Holy Terror: When 4% of your troops have been defeated, Bon Appeti can deal damage equivalent to 60% to %600 of your initial Infantry ATK to one of the largest enemy Squads depending on this familiar’s level.


Best Familiars in Lords Mobile - Marks Angry Review (38)


  • Protective Layer: Cavalry DEF + 4% and 20% on max level.
  • Big Shot: Cavalry ATK + 3% and 10% on max level.
  • Saving Grace: This ability to extend the duration of Guild Fest quests by 10% to 30%. This extension only applies to quests that have already been claimed or have expired.
  • Giant Fist: When 4% of your troops have been defeated, Gargantua can deal damage equal to 60% to 600% of your initial Cavalry ATK to one of the largest enemy Squads.


Best Familiars in Lords Mobile - Marks Angry Review (39)


  • Ice Shield: Infantry DEF + 4% and 20% on max level.
  • Glacial Blast: Army ATK + 1% and 5% on max level.
  • Frost Bite: This ability to slow down an enemy’s Travel Time by 300%. This means it reduces the speed at which their troops can move. The effect lasts for 60 minutes, but it doesn’t affect troops that are already in motion.
  • Killing Frost: When 8% of your troops have been defeated, the Frostwing can unleash damage equal to 150% of your initial Cavalry ATK every 4 seconds, for a maximum of 5 times, to one of the largest enemy Squads.

Queen Bee

Best Familiars in Lords Mobile - Marks Angry Review (40)


  • Honeyed Words: Cavalry Max HP +2% and 10% on its max level.
  • Buzz Kill: Ranged ATK +3% and 10% on its max level.
  • Poison Sting: It can make 10,000 troops from the enemy’s Barracks go to the Infirmary every 10 minutes. These troops are chosen randomly, and the number won’t go over 1.25% of their total troops. It’s important to note that this ability doesn’t earn any event points. Additionally, the Queen Bee decreases the enemy’s Army ATK by 15% for 240 minutes.
  • Stinging Swarm: When 8% of your troops have been defeated, the familiar ability in Lords Mobile can deal damage equal to 150% of your initial Ranged ATK every 4 seconds, for a maximum of 5 times, to one of the largest enemy Squads.


Best Familiars in Lords Mobile - Marks Angry Review (41)


  • Soulburst: Army ATK +1% and 5% on its max level.
  • Bad Blood: Army HP (Battle Fury) +3% and 10% on its max level.
  • Hellfire: Your invading troops have the power to instantly eliminate 100% of your enemy’s wounded troops, which includes both garrisoned and allied troops. This effect lasts for 30 minutes and applies to a single battle. However, it’s important to remember that troops killed by Hellfire will not be protected in the Sanctuary.
  • Savage Breath: When 4% of your troops have been defeated, the Blackwing can deal damage equal to 600% of your initial Ranged ATK to one of the largest enemy Squads.

Jade Wyrm

Best Familiars in Lords Mobile - Marks Angry Review (42)


  • Fiery Blessing – Infantry: Infantry-Ranged Counter Boost +4.5% and 15% on its max level.
  • Fiery Blessing – Ranged: Ranged-Cavalry Counter Boost +4.5% and 15% on its max level.
  • Fiery Blessing – Cavalry: Cavalry-Infantry Counter Boost +4.5% and 15% on it’s max level.
  • Divine Fire: When 4% of your troops have been defeated, the Blackwing familiar in Lords Mobile can reduce the damage inflicted by enemies by 9%.
Best Familiars in Lords Mobile - Marks Angry Review (2024)


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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.