Fraction Simplifier - Fraction Reducer (2024)

Enter a fraction below to simplify or reduce it to the simplest form. The calculator shows all of the steps to simplify a fraction to its lowest terms.

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Simplified Fraction:

21 / 6=31 / 2

Steps to Simplify

Reduce the fraction by finding the greatest common factor (GCF) of the numerator and denominator.

GCF of 21 and 6 = 3

Divide the numerator and denominator by the greatest common factor (3).

21 ÷ 3 / 6 ÷ 3=7 / 2

Convert to a mixed fraction by finding the whole number and remainder.


7 / 2=31 / 2

Find the decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator.

7 / 2=7÷2=3.5

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On this page:

  • Calculator
  • How to Simplify a Fraction
  • Step One: Find the Greatest Common Factor
  • Step Two: Divide by the Greatest Common Factor
  • The Easiest Way to Simplify Fractions
  • How to Simplify and Reduce Improper Fractions
  • Frequently Asked Questions


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Sexton, J. (n.d.). Fraction Simplifier – Fraction Reducer. Inch Calculator. Retrieved May 29, 2024, from

How to Simplify a Fraction

A fraction is a simplified fraction when the top and bottom numbers are as small as possible while still being whole numbers. Some fractions can be reduced to an equivalent fraction in a simpler form, which means simplifying the fraction to the lowest possible terms.

A simplified or reduced fraction will not have any common factors between the numerator or denominator other than 1.

For example, the fractions 3 / 4 and 6 / 8 are equivalent fractions, meaning they are equal. However, 3 / 4 is in the lowest possible terms because the only common factor of 3 and 4 is 1.

Fraction Simplifier - Fraction Reducer (3)

There are a few steps to reduce a fraction using simplification.

Fraction Simplifier - Fraction Reducer (4)

Step One: Find the Greatest Common Factor

The first step to reducing a fraction is to find the greatest common factor [GCF] between the numerator and the denominator. You’ll need the greatest common factor in the second step.

The greatest common factor is the largest number that is evenly divisible, or evenly goes into both the numerator and denominator with no decimals.

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For example, for the fraction is 6 / 8, let’s find the factors of 6 and 8.

The factors of 6 are [1,2,3,6].

The factors of 8 are [1,2,4,8].

The largest number common to both is 2; thus, 2 is the greatest common factor.

See our greatest common factor calculator for additional information on finding the greatest common factor.

Step Two: Divide by the Greatest Common Factor

Armed with the greatest common factor, it’s now possible to reduce the fraction. To do so, divide both the numerator and the denominator by the greatest common factor. The result is a reduced fraction.

Fraction Simplifier - Fraction Reducer (6)

Continuing the above example, simplify the fraction 6 / 8 by dividing the numerator and denominator by the greatest common factor of 2 found in the previous example.

6 / 8 = (6 ÷ 2) / (8 ÷ 2)
6 / 8 = 3 / 4

Thus, 3 / 4 is the simplified form of 6 / 8.

The Easiest Way to Simplify Fractions

It’s fairly straightforward to reduce a fraction using the steps above, but there’s an even easier way to simplify fractions using a technique known as a division ladder.

Fraction Simplifier - Fraction Reducer (7)

To use a division ladder to simplify, start by placing the numerator and denominator next to each other, then draw an upside-down division line below and to the side of them.

Then, divide each number by the smallest common number between them. For instance, if both numbers are even, then divide them both by 2.

Continue doing this until there is no way to evenly divide both numbers by the same denominator. The numbers on the bottom represent the simplified fraction.

Let’s try using the division ladder to simplify 8/12 like the examples above.

Fraction Simplifier - Fraction Reducer (8)

As you can see, 8/12 can be reduced to 2/3 in just a few short steps using this method.

How to Simplify and Reduce Improper Fractions

Some fractions are larger than 1, which is when the numerator is larger than the denominator. These are called improper fractions.

When the numerator is larger than the denominator, it is often helpful to simplify the improper fractions and then reduce the fraction further into a mixed number.

You can do this by dividing the numerator by the denominator, then using the quotient as the whole number and the remainder as the numerator of the new fraction with the original denominator.

For example, you can simplify 12 / 8 to 3 / 2. Now let’s convert this to a mixed number.

3 / 2 = 3 ÷ 2 = 1 R1
3 / 2 = 1 1 / 2

Here’s a tip: our fraction to mixed fraction calculator can help convert an improper fraction like this to a mixed number.

You can also use our fraction calculator to reduce a fraction.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it mean to simplify a fraction?

When you simplify a fraction, you are expressing it in its simplest form. This means that the numerator and denominator have no common factors other than one. You are reducing the fraction to its lowest terms without changing its value.

How do you know when a fraction is already in its simplest form?

A fraction is in its simplest form (or fully reduced form) when the numerator and denominator have no common factors other than 1. This means that the greatest common factor (GCF) of the numerator and denominator is 1.

What is the difference between reducing and simplifying a fraction?

While reducing and simplifying are often used interchangeably, reducing a fraction typically refers to the process of dividing both the numerator and denominator by a common factor to make a fraction smaller. Simplifying typically refers to reducing a fraction to its lowest form by dividing by the greatest common factor.

Fraction Simplifier - Fraction Reducer (2024)


How do you simplify a fraction to a smaller fraction? ›

A fraction can be reduced by dividing its numerator and its denominator by its greatest common factor. For example, a fraction has been completely reduced when the only common factor between its numerator and denominator is 1.

Which is the easiest method to reduce fraction? ›

To reduce a fraction, divide both the numerator and denominator by the GCF. (This is also known as "writing a fraction in lowest terms".) This is sometimes shown as "canceling" the common factors. Note that the result is an equivalent fraction in simplest form.

How do you reduce by a fraction? ›

Reducing. A fraction is a real number written as a quotient, or ratio, of two integers a and b, where b≠0. We achieve the same result by dividing the numerator and denominator by the greatest common factor (GCF). The GCF is the largest number that divides both the numerator and denominator evenly.

How to reduce improper fractions? ›

There are two main methods that can be used to simplify improper fractions. The first method that can be used is to divide the numerator and the denominator by the greatest common divisor. The second is to factor the numerator and the denominator into its prime factorization and then cancel any common prime factors.

Which of the following is used to reduce fraction? ›

D) Talc can be used to reduce friction when an object is sliding on a surface.

How do you expand and reduce fractions? ›

To expand or simplify, you have to multiply or divide the entire denominator and the entire numerator by the same number. Otherwise, the ratio between the numerator and the denominator hence the value changes.

How do you reduce fractional expressions? ›

Summary of the process for reducing to lowest terms

Step 1: Factor the numerator and the denominator. Step 2: List restricted values. Step 3: Cancel common factors.

What is the rule for simplifying fractions? ›

A fraction can be simplified if the top and bottom numbers can both be divided by the same number, without leaving a remainder. If the top number is larger than the bottom number, and neither number can be divided by the same number, divide the top number by the bottom number.

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It should be noted that if the denominators are different and the numerators are the same, then we can easily compare fractions by looking at their denominators. The fraction with a smaller denominator has a greater value and the fraction with a larger denominator has a smaller value. For example, 2/3 > 2/6.

How do you simplify a fraction in its lowest term? ›

A fraction is said to be written in the lowest term if its numerator and denominator are relatively prime numbers, i.e. they have no common factors other than 1. In other words, a fraction is said to be in its lowest terms or lowest form, if the HCF of the numerator and denominator is 1.


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