IF formula with multiple criteria (2024)


    Natalia Kataoka ✭✭✭✭✭

    12/16/19 in Formulas and Functions

    I am attempting to write a formula based on 2 separate criteria, though I feel like I need some type of "BUT" statement and could use some help.

    I want a picklist column to read YES or NO depending on the following:

    IF Ins Status = Current OR N/A AND Agreement EXE is checked THEN Approved for Work = YES, BUT, IF Agreement Type = Truck AND Ins Status = Current AND Agreement EXE is checked AND if AB5 Compliant is checked THEN Approved for Work = YES, otherwise NO.

    In a nutshell, there is a third requirement if the type = truck, that does not apply to any other type.

    I have the first portion working correctly, I am just unsure how to add the second portion. It currently reads:

    =IF(AND(OR([Ins Status]@row = "Current", [Ins Status]@row = "N/A"), [Agreement EXE]@row = 1), "YES", "NO")

    Basically, I want a separate criteria if the Agreement Type = Truck, but every other type would be based upon a different criteria. In the attached screenshot, I would want TESCON to read NO under Approved for Work.

    IF formula with multiple criteria (2)


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    • Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭



      This would be a good example of when to use a nested IF formula.

      =IF(this is true, then do this, otherwise do this)

      You would drop the next IF statement into the "otherwise do this" portion.

      =IF(this is true, do this, IF(something else is true, do this, otherwise do something else))

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    • Natalia Kataoka ✭✭✭✭✭



      I have been attempting to nest the IFs, but the formula is still not working. I have tried rearranging, but no luck. This is what I have come up with so far, and while there is no error, it is not changing the field that I want it to.

      =IF(AND([Agreement Type]@row = "TRUCK", [Agreement EXE]@row = 1, [Ins Status]@row = "Current", [AB5 Compliant?]@row = 1), "YES", IF(AND(OR([Ins Status]@row = "Current", [Ins Status]@row = "N/A"), [Agreement EXE]@row = 1), "YES", "NO"))

      I also tried the below, with and without listing all the other Agreement Types.

      =IF(AND(OR([Ins Status]@row = "Current", [Ins Status]@row = "N/A", [Agreement Type]@row = "MSA", [Agreement Type]@row = "BPO", [Agreement Type]@row = "MPO"), [Agreement EXE]@row = 1), "YES", IF(AND([Agreement Type]@row = "TRUCK", [Agreement EXE]@row = 1, [Ins Status]@row = "Current", [AB5 Compliant?]@row = 1), "YES","NO"))

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    • Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭



      Based on your original post where you stated:

      I want a picklist column to read YES or NO depending on the following:

      IF Ins Status =CurrentORN/AANDAgreement EXEis checked THENApproved for Work= YES, BUT, IFAgreement Type= Truck ANDIns Status= Current ANDAgreement EXEis checked AND ifAB5 Compliantis checked THENApproved for Work= YES, otherwise NO.

      Give this a try...

      =IF(OR(AND(OR([INS Status]@row = "Current", [INS Status]@row = "N/A"), [Agreement EXE]@row = 1), AND([Agreement Type]@row = "Truck", [INS Status]@row = "Current", [Agreement EXE]@row = 1, [AB5 Compliant?]@row = 1)), "YES", "NO")

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    • Natalia Kataoka ✭✭✭✭✭



      Hm, that one is still not working correctly, but no error.

      Do I need to specify any of the other Agreement Types?

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    • Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭



      The above formula will cover the below based on how I read your original post (the quoted portion in my previous comment)...

      YES will be generated by the following:

      • [INS Status] = "Current" or "N/A"
      • and [Agreement EXE] is checked


      • [Agreement Type] = "Truck"
      • and [INS Status] = "Current"
      • and [Agreement EXE] is checked
      • and [AB5 Compliant?] is checked

      If a row does not meet one of those sets of requirements, it will generate a NO. If you have other combinations that could generate a YES then they would need specified.

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    • Natalia Kataoka ✭✭✭✭✭



      Ah, ok got it. I do think I'll need to specify some other combinations. I will play with that, thanks for your help!

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    • Natalia Kataoka ✭✭✭✭✭



      Figured it out!

      =IF(OR(AND(OR([Ins Status]@row = "Current", [Ins Status]@row = "N/A"), OR([Agreement Type]@row = "BPO", [Agreement Type]@row = "MBPO", [Agreement Type]@row = "MSA"), [Agreement EXE]@row = 1), AND([Agreement Type]@row = "TRUCK", [Ins Status]@row = "Current", [Agreement EXE]@row = 1, [AB5 Compliant?]@row = 1)), "YES", "NO")

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    • Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭



      Excellent. Happy to help! 👍️

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    IF formula with multiple criteria (2024)


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