Legally Blonde: The 9 Most Empowering Quotes (2024)

The world-famous actress, Reese Witherspoon recently shared an Instagram post from the set of the Apple TV+ drama The Morning Show. Witherspoon who captioned her post, "We're baaaack! @TheMorningShow Season 3!" returns to the critically acclaimed series as Bradley Jackson who co-anchors America's top morning show with the distinguished host, Alex Levy (Jennifer Aniston).

The Morning Show is another feather in Witherspoon's cap for she has played notable characters such as Cheryl Strayed (Wild), and Elle Woods (Legally Blonde). The latter character and the movie have cemented their place in American pop culture, thanks to a compelling screenplay that offers plenty of life lessons in empowerment and finding passion.

"I Don't Need Backups, I Am Going To Harvard."


Legally Blonde: The 9 Most Empowering Quotes (1)

Elle Woods, a sorority girl and a student of fashion merchandising, decides to apply to Harvard Law School in an attempt to win back her ex-boyfriend, Warner Huntington III. She sees her counselor shortly after and confidently claims she doesn't need any backups because she is going to be accepted to Harvard. The counselor looks at her with disbelief, but the passion in Elle's words says she's going to make the cut.

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Elle stays true to her word, gets a 179 on her LSATs, and finally, with the help of her impressive and diverse set of extracurricular activities, makes it to HLS. Elle's words and the sincerity in her voice resonate at a deeper level because they are imbued with confidence and provide the motivation needed at life's critical junctures.

"What, Like It's Hard?"


Legally Blonde: The 9 Most Empowering Quotes (2)

Warner is astonished to find out that Elle got into HLS. At first, he asks her if she's there to see him, but the second she tells him that she's a student like him, he proceeds to reconfirm if she's speaking the truth.

As a response, Elle shoots Warner a look and delivers one of the most memorable quotes on Legally Blonde. She shatters Warner's low opinion of her and her short response makes it clear that no matter how she acts, dresses, to chooses to live, she can achieve anything she sets her mind on. Warner listens to her, mouth agape, and deep inside knows that he's got more surprises coming his way.

"I Changed My Mind. I'll Take The Dangerous One Because I'm Not Afraid Of A Challenge."


Legally Blonde: The 9 Most Empowering Quotes (3)

Elle's first few days at Harvard are marred with scoffs from her peers. She's immediately made to feel like an outcast, who doesn't belong in an institution that Warner and his fiancée, Vivian Kensington wrongfully believe is reserved for them.

Elle's classroom bursts into laughter when she opines that she'd rather defend an innocent client than one who committed a crime Malum prohibitum or Malum in se. As soon as the cacophony of noise ends, Elle changes her answer to malum in se meaning she'd take up a dangerous client who's committed an offense that's wrong from its nature irrespective of the statute because she's not afraid of a challenge. Through her powerful words, actress Reese Witherspoon reminds viewers why Elle Woods is one of her career-best roles. She announces that she is not scared of the rigorous HLS environment or putting in the work that the curriculum demands.

"Am I On Glue Or Did We Not Get Into The Same Law School, Warner?"


Legally Blonde: The 9 Most Empowering Quotes (4)

Midway into the movie, Vivian tricks Elle into attending a regular college party wearing a costume that's a little inappropriate. Nonetheless, Elle stays through most of the night, and only when Warner treats her with scorn, does she finally have the epiphany.

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The party proves to be an inflection point in Elle's life because she finally realizes she will never be good enough for her ex. She asks Warner the right question and in doing so, challenges the status quo on what kind of people should constitute the HLS crowd. Elle knows she's a multi-faceted woman and that her love of fashion doesn't make her an unintelligent person. Though it takes her long, Elle does find her true calling, focuses on herself, and leaves Warner to it.

"I'll Show How Valuable Elle Woods Can Be."


Legally Blonde: The 9 Most Empowering Quotes (5)

Elle says these words as she leaves the party, and heads straight to pick up a laptop. Thereafter, she focuses on her classes and is seen studying hard all the time. Elle makes most of her time at Harvard, and as time passes, she begins to thrive as a law student.

The thing with Elle is that she knows what she's capable of, and her words reflect her untapped, and infinite potential. Her purpose changes from getting Warner back to crossing the self-imposed boundaries that kept her behind and hindered her progress in life.

"I'm Taking the Dog, Dumba**!"

Paulette Bonafonté

Legally Blonde: The 9 Most Empowering Quotes (6)

Elle drives her manicurist and good friend, Paulette (played by Jennifer Coolidge) to confront her ex about the custody of their dog, Rufus. Paulette appears nervous at first, however, the second she hears Elle boldly confront her lazy, good-for-nothing ex in heavy legal jargon, it's almost as if a shot of confidence goes through her.

Paulette inches closer to Dewey, looks him straight in the eye and announces he's taking her dog back. Her words represent that she's finally regained the confidence that her breakup had shattered. She gets her dog back, and in the process scores herself a memorable scene.

"If You're Going To Let One Stupid P*ick Ruin Your Life, You're Not The Girl I Thought You Were."

Professor Stromwell

Legally Blonde: The 9 Most Empowering Quotes (7)

When Professor Callahan makes an unwarranted advance on Elle, Professor Stromwell comes to her aid and empowers her like no other. Elle is at her weakest at the moment, she's put in months of hard work, excelled at her coursework, and reached a point of no return. Yet, Callahan's behavior makes her question her self-worth, and she decides to quit HLS.

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Elle has scant experience in tackling unwanted advances, and therefore Professor Stromwell's words are a great lesson in that. Stromwell helps her see that she's as valuable as other people in her class and that she mustn't let a bad experience come in the way of her aspirations.

"Excuse You. You're In My Way."


Legally Blonde: The 9 Most Empowering Quotes (8)

Brooke Taylor-Windham fires Callahan and hires Elle as her attorney with the junior attorney, Emmett Richmond acting as the case supervisor. Elle steps up to defend her client who's wrongfully accused of murdering her billionaire husband, Hayworth Windham.

The endearing part about the murder trial is that Elle doesn't pretend to be someone else in the courtroom. While asking Callahan to step aside and make way for her, Elle exudes an ingenious aura and her words are a powerful lesson in taking up the space. It's almost the end of Legally Blonde, and Elle has come a long way from a nervous young woman to a confident HLS student. Elle's quote is a testament to her transformative journey and must be up there with iconic quotes by actress Reese Witherspoon's characters.

"If I'm Going To Be A Partner In A Law Firm... I Need A Boyfriend Who's Not Such A Complete Bonehead."


Legally Blonde: The 9 Most Empowering Quotes (9)

The courtroom drama ends with Brooke's exoneration and Elle winning the first case of her career. Since she's raised the bar for her classmates, her opportunistic ex, Warner attempts to get her back.

Elle gives Warner a piece of her mind, telling him that he isn't the guy for her. Her line is an important life lesson in building self-worth. She's no longer going to dim her light to make the likes of Warner feel comfortable, rather she's learned to put herself first.

NEXT: 10 Best College Movies Like Paramount's Honor Society

Legally Blonde: The 9 Most Empowering Quotes (2024)


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